Twins, Writing

Spreading the word one listener and reader at a time.

We writers love the opportunity to talk about our books as reaching readers isn't always easy. There are a lot of books in the world and many of these are marketed heavily by publishers with big budgets, contacts and reputations. As such, it is often harder for smaller (but equally valuable) presses to be heard,… Continue reading Spreading the word one listener and reader at a time.

Family, Women, Writing

An Easter blessing for the future.

Twins have always fascinated me. For a start, I am one, born twenty minutes earlier than my twin brother in the days when a twin pregnancy could be a surprise to the expectant parents. My mum and dad didn't know the wee bundle of joy they were waiting for was in fact double trouble until… Continue reading An Easter blessing for the future.

Film, Island life, Women, Writing

The official trailer has arrived…

Introducing a video trailer for my new novel, Almost Then. Almost Then, by Margot McCuaig Edit, Kenny ParkSoundrack, Kenny Park Laura Waddell, author of Exit, UK Publishing Director and The Scotsman columnist – ‘In many ways a tight, classic family intrique, rich with resentments and estrangements, what distinguishes Almost Then is its strong sense of place…… Continue reading The official trailer has arrived…

Family, Women, Writing

Gowk Day Launch Party

The 1st of April might be April Fools Day (traditionally known as Gowk Day in Scotland) but after all the frivolities of the pre-midday pranks why not grab a chair and a glass and join me to celebrate the publication day of Almost Then. I can't promise fools errand gowk (cuckoo) hunting in costume, but… Continue reading Gowk Day Launch Party

Women, Writing

Almost Then is now. Almost Then arrives from the publisher! I received a very exciting delivery recently from Linen Press - copies of my new novel Almost Then. They are exquisite and I can't wait to share them with the world. Here's a wee video of the book opening ceremony. Hopefully it will make you smile in these,… Continue reading Almost Then is now.

Island life, Women, Writing

Almost Then and beautiful art.

And here it is, the beautiful cover of Almost Then, my latest novel. Almost Then by Margot McCuaig, published April 1st, 2021 It is published by Linen Press and is available to pre-order directly from the publisher via this link. You can also sign up to the Linen newsletter on the website, which means you… Continue reading Almost Then and beautiful art.

Film, Island life, Women, Writing

Almost Then, Twins, Iron Women and 2021.

I always feel emotional when a year draws to a close. This year my normal melancholy is magnified in knowing that 2020 has been at the very least horrendous for everyone. For some, the impact of the pandemic has been crippling and overwhelming. Life changing. That sadness is weighting the sky. It can only hold… Continue reading Almost Then, Twins, Iron Women and 2021.